a-BIDE - to continue in a place; remain; dwell. |
AB-sence - the act of not being present; lack; want. |
a-BIF (a-BIFF) - Hiram Abif, the widow's son. |
a-CA-cia (a-KAY-shia) - symbol of immortality; a tree. |
ac-CEPT-ed (ak-CEPT-ed) - approved; admitted. |
ac-CES-so-ry (ak-SESS-ory) - accomplice; he who assists the felon. |
ac-COM-mo-DATE - to provide for; help. |
ac-COM-pa-ny - to go with; attend; escort. |
ac-COM-plice (ak-COM-phs) - an associate in wrong or crime. |
ac-COM-plish - to make complete; achieve; attain; fulfill; realize. |
ac-COM-plish-ing - fulfilling; completing. |
ac-CORD - agreement; to render as due. |
ac-CORD-ing-ly - in a comfortable manner; therefore. |
ac-COST-ed - spoke first; addressed; greeted. |
ad-JA-cent - lying near; close at hand; adjoining. |
ad-JOIN-ing - border upon; adjacent; lying next to; be in contact. |
ad-MIT - to allow; permit to enter; acknowledge the truth. |
ad-MIT-tance - the act of admitting. |
ad-MON-ish - to advise of a fault; caution; warn. |
a-DORN-ed - decorated; furnished with ornaments; beautified. |
ad-VANCE - to go, or cause to go forward or upward; proceed. |
AF-fa-BIL-i-ty - friendliness; mildness. |
af-FEC-tions (.shuns) - tender attachments; love. |
af-FIL-i-ate (a-FILL-i-ate) - an adopted one; to join. |
af-FIN-i-ty - kin; kind; kindred; any natural drawing or inclination. |
af-FIRM-a-tive ( tiv) - confirmitive; positive. |
a-GAIN ( GEN) - another time; once more; anew; afresh. |
AGE (AJ) - given number of years. |
A-HI-man-RE-zon (Ah-HIGH-man-RAY-zon) - The Law of the Prepared Brothers; a book of Masonic laws. |
al-LE-giance (al-LEE-juns) - loyalty; fidelity; devotion. |
AL-le-GO-ry - concealing lesson; story within a story; legend; parable. |
al-LUDE (a-LUD) - to refer; imply. |
al-LURE-ment - enticement; a charm; attraction. |
al-LU-sion ( LU-zhun) - an alluding; an indirect reference. |
A-mi-a-ble - gentle; loving; kind. |
AM-mon-I-tish (AM-on-I-tish) - the people of Ammon. |
AN-cient (AIN-shunt) - very old. |
AN-gle (ANG-gl) - an angle of a square. |
AN-no-DOM-i-ni - year of the Lord (abbreviated A.D.). |
AN-no-LU-cis - year of light (abbreviated A.L.). |
AN-no-TA-tion - the act of annotating; a comment. |
an-TIQ-ui-ty ( TIK-wi-ti) - belonging to ancient times. |
a-PART-ment - a room or suite of rooms. |
ap-PEAR-ance - external show or aspect; that which appears or seems. |
ap-PEAR-ed - came forth into view or public notice. |
ap-PREN-tice (a-PREN-tis) - a learner. |
ap-PRISE (a-PRIZ) - to notify, as of an event; advise; inform. |
ap-PROACH - to come or cause to come near or nearer. |
A-pron (A-prun) - a covering to protect the front of a person's clothes. |
AR-bi-TRA-ri-ly - dictatorially; domineering; imperious; overbearing. |
AR-chi-tect (AR-ki-tect) - a designer or builder. |
AR-chi-TEC-ture (AR-ki-TEKtur) - a style or system of buildings. |
AR-chives (AR-kives) - place for historical records. |
a-RIGHT - correctly; proper; without error |
a-RISE ( RIZE) - to get up; come up; ascend. |
ar-TIF-i-cer (ar-TIF-i-ser) - a skillful designer; an inventor. |
as-CEND-ing - mounting; climbing; rising; going upward. |
AS-cer-TAIN - find out; make certain; determine. |
ASH-lar ( Ier) - block of stone. |
as-PIR-ing - longing for; reaching upward; aiming at. |
as-SEM-blage (blij) - meeting of the Craft; a gathering. |
AS-si-DU-ity (AS-i-DUE-ity) - faithful personal attention; watchfulness. |
as-SIS-tance - help; aid; support; relief. |
as-SUR-ance - confidence; a promise; undoubting. |
A-the-ist - non believer in Deity; a Godless person. |
a-TROC-i-ty (a-TROS-i-ti) - cruelty; wickedness; shocking event. |
at-TACH-ed - made fast to something; joined; united. |
at-TAIN-ed - arrived at (a desired object); came to in space or time. |
at-TEMPT-ed - made an effort; tried; endeavored. |
at-TEND - to be an attendant; to be present. |
at-TEN-tion (shun) - close attending. |
at-TEN-tive - giving or showing attention. |
AT-tri-BUTE - that which is assigned or ascribed. |
AU-di-ence - an assembly of hearers; the act of hearing; attention; an opportunity to speak. |
au-GUST (awe-GUST) - grand; kingly; majestic. |
a-VOUCH - to affirm positively; assert; proclaim. |
a-WAIT - to wait for; expect; to be ready or in store for. |
AWE - reverential fear. |
CA-ble-tow (KA-bul-tow) -rope; cable; cord; ritualistically, symbol or method of control of an initiate. |
CA-ble tow's LENGTH - at one time, three miles; the scope of a person's reasonable ability; six hundred feet; nautical measure, one hundred fathoms. The length of a cabletow differs with individuals. |
ca-LAM-i-ty - a misfortune or disaster. |
CAN-di-DATE (date or dit) - a nominee or aspirant for any position or honor. |
CAN-o-py - starry decked heavens; overhead cover. |
CAR-di-nal - of prime importance; principal. |
CAR-nal - pertaining to bodily appetites; sexual; sensual. |
CARE - concern; watchfulness. |
CAS-u-al-ty (CAZH-yu-ul-ti) - a fatal or serious accident; battle casualty. |
CAUSE (CAUSED) - an efficient agent; anything derived from another; a legal action that from which anything first proceeds. |
CAT-e-chism (kizm) - taught by word of mouth. |
CAV-il-ing - finding fault with; picking flaws. |
ce-LES-tial (chul) - heavenly; of the sky. |
ce-MENT (se-MENT) - bond of union; to bind together. |
CER-e-MO-nies - forms; sacraments. |
CHALK - a soft grayish limestone. |
CHANG-ing - to exchange or give equivalent for. |
CHARGE - to give instructions; directions; admonitions; command. |
CHAN-ters - the capitals of pillars or columns. |
CHAP-ter - a body of Royal Arch Masonry. |
CHAR-ac-ter (KAR) - a form of secret writing. |
CHAR-ac-ter-IS-tic - a distinctive feature; trait. |
CHAR-coal - a black substance burning without smoke or flame. |
CHAR-i-ty - universal love or goodwill; forgiving. |
CHAR-ter - an authority; warrant; constitution. |
CHER-ish - to care for kindly; hold dear; comfort. |
Cl-pher (SI fur) - any numerical character; a number. |
cir-cum-AM-bu-LA-tion - the act of walking around the Lodge room; in Texas, clockwise, with squared corners. |
CIR-cum-SCRIBE - to confine within bounds; restrict. |
CIR-curn-SPEC-tion - watchfulness in all directions against danger or error. |
CIR-cum-STANCE (SIR-cum-STANS) - an event; happening; or fact. |
clan-DES-tine (klan-DES-tin) - illegal; one made in a clandestine Lodge. |
CLAY - earth in general. |
CLEAVES - divides along natural lines; sticks fast. |
CLEFTS (KLEFTS) - divides partially or completely; fissures in a rock. |
CLIME - region; climate. |
CLOTHED (CLOTH’D) - covered or provided with clothes; invested. |
COL-umn (COL-urn or KOL-urn) - a vertical shaft or pillar. |
com-MEM-o-RA-tion (shun) - memorial; keeping in remembrance or action. |
com-MENC-ing - beginning; starting. |
com-MEN-su-rate (shur-rit) - in proper proportion. |
COM-mon GAV-el (COM-mon-GAV-ell) - Mason's mallet, hammer Re on one end and chiselsharp on the other. |
com-MIS-er-ate (com-MIZ) - to pity; sympathize. |
com-MU-ni-CATE - inform; announce; conveyance of information. |
com-MU-ni-CAT-ed (KAT-ed) - made known;_gave a share of. |
com-MU-ni-CA-tion - Masonic meeting (stated or special); an exchange of thoughts or information. |
com-PAN-ions - ones who or those which accompany; comrades; associates. |
COM-pass-es (KUM-puses) - instrument having two branches or legs. |
com-PAS-sion (com-PASH-un) - pity for suffering; sympathy. |
COM-pe-ten-cy - sufficient ability or authority. |
com-PL- tion (shun) - the act of completing. |
com-POSE (POZE) - to make up of elements or parts; construct; form. |
com-POS-ite (kum-POZ-it) - order of architecture. |
con-CEAL - hide; keep from sight or knowledge. |
con-CERN-ing (SURN) - in relation to; about. |
con-CIL-i-ate - gain; win; to reconcile. |
CON-dem-NA-tion (shun) - denounce; censure; convict reprove. |
CON-de-SCEN-sion (SEN-shun) - graciousness; courtesy to inferiors. |
con-DI-tion (DISH-un) - the state or mode in which a person or thing exists. |
con-DUCT - to accompany and show the way. |
con-DUC-tor - an escort; guide. |
con-FERRED (FURD) - gave a degree to a candidate. |
con-FES-sion (FESH-un) - the act of confessing; acknowledgement of an action. |
con-FIRM (con-FURM) - to assure by added proof; make certain; ratify. |
CON-fla-GRA-tion (shun) - a great or extensive fire. |
con-FORM-i-ty - the act of conforming; agreement; harmony. |
con-FU-sion (zhun) - the act of confusing or being confused; disorder; distraction. |
con-GRAT-u-late (GRAT-yu-late) - to salute approvingly. |
con-NEC-tion (shun) - the act or means of connecting or uniting. |
CON-science (shuns) - power of self knowledge; right or wrong. |
CON-scious (CON-shus) - mindful; cognizant; aware. |
CON-se-CRAT-ed - made reverend; set apart as sacred. |
CON-se-QUENT (KWENT) - result; cause. |
con-SIST - to be composed or constituted. |
con-SPIR-a-cy (kon-SPIR-a-si) - plot; scheme; secret combination of persons. |
CON-stant-ly - steadily in purpose; unchanging. |
CON-sti-TUT-ed - established as by authority; enacted. |
CON-sti-TU-tions (shuns) - fundamental laws that govern. |
con-SULT - take counsel; confer; deliberate. |
CON-tem-PLAT-ing - considering thoughtfully; intending; planning. |
con-TEM-PLA-tive - plan; thoughtful; meditative. |
con-TIN-u-al-ly (yu-ul) - constantly; unceasing. |
con-TIN-u-ance - state of continuing; duration. |
con-TRACT-ing - to become affected with (as a disease or habit). |
con-TRIB-ute - to give in common with others. |
con-TRIVE - to scheme; plot; plan; devise. |
con-VERSE - conversation; commune; interchange of thoughts. |
con-VERT - to change or become changed to another state; transform. |
con-VEY (con-VAY) - carry; transmit. |
con-VEY-ed (VAY) - transported from one place to another; carried; transmitted; transport. |
Co-RIN-thi-an (Ko-RIN-thi-an) - an order of architecture. |
CORN - anciently used to denote any edible grain; rye; barley; wheat. |
cor-RECT - to set right or straight; precise. |
COR-re-SPON-dence - the act, condition, or state of corresponding; aggreement. |
COUN-sel - to advise; in favor of; good judgment. |
COUN-te-nance (nuns) - an encouraging aspect; face or feature. |
COW-ans (KOW-anz) - intruder; pretender; uninstructed. |
COW-ard-ice (COW-ur-dis) - lack of courage; timidity. |
cre-AT-ed (cre-A-ted) - caused to come into existence; originated; produced. |
Cre-A-tor - God; Maker of the Universe. |
cri-TE-ri-on - a model or example; a test; rule or measure. |
CU-bit - about 18 inches; length of the forearm; ancient measure. |
CUM-brous (brus) - cumbersome; heavy. |
CU-ri-OS-i-ty - excitement of interest or inquiry; novel; odd; strange. |
CUS-tom - habit; fashion; manner; practice. |
DAN-ger-ous (us) - attended with danger; hazardous; unsafe. |
DAUB-ing - smearing or coating with something sticky. |
de-BASE - corrupt; impair; degrade. |
de-COR-urn - becoming conduct; manner; politeness. |
DED-i-CAT-ed (DED-i-CA-ted) - set apart for sacred uses; consecrated; devoted. |
DEEM-ing - judging; considering; thinking; regarding; believing. |
de-FEN-sive (de-FEN-siv) - an attitude or condition of defense or protection. |
de-FRAUD - cheat; swindle; take or withhold something by fraud. |
DE-i-ty - a god; goddess or divine person. |
de-LIN-e-ATE - to draw in outline; trace out; to portray. |
de-LIV-er-ance - rescue; release; liberation. |
de-MEAN - to lower in dignity or reputation; debase; to degrade. |
de-MEAN - or-behavior; conduct. |
de-MIT (See dimit) - resign; to drop. |
DEM-on-STRATES - points out; makes clear. |
de-NIED - rejected as false; declined; renounced. |
de-NOM-i-NAT-ed - gave a name to; named; called. |
de-NOM-i-NA-tions (shuns) - that act of naming; call. |
de-NOT-ing (de-NOTE-ing) - pointing out; showing. |
de-PORT-ment - conduct or behavior; manner. |
de-POS-it (POZ it) - to place in a receptacle. |
de-ROG-a-TO-ry (de-ROG-a-TOE-re) - lessening in good repute, detracting. |
de-SCEND-ing (SEND) - going down; falling. |
de-SIGN ZINE) - to map out in the mind; plan; to draw. |
DES-ig-NATE (DEZ) - to select or appoint for a specific purpose. |
de-SIR-ous (ZIR us) - having desire; wish or craving; eager to obtain. |
DES-ti-TUTE - extremely poor; not having; needing. |
de-TACH - separate; disunite; disengage. |
DE-tes-TA-tion (shun) - extreme dislike; hatred; loathing. |
DEV-as-TA-tion (shun) - the act of devastating; waste; destruction. |
DE-vi-ate - to turn from a straight course; wander. |
de-VOLVED - passed from a possessor to a successor or substitute; transmitted. |
de-VO-tions (shuns) - state of being devoted; acts of worship; prayers. |
DIC-tates - to declare with authority; command; prescribe; impose; order. |
DIF-fi-cult - hard to do or be done; troublesome. |
DIF-fi-cul-ty - an obstacle; hinderance; hard to do. |
DIG-ni-ty - high rank; high honor. |
di-LATE - amplify; to speak fully. |
DI-LEM-ma (dih-LEM-ma) - a perplexing predicament. |
di-MEN-sions (shuns) - magnitudes; as height, length and breadth. |
di-MIT - to withdraw from Lodge; sometimes spelled demit. |
di-RECT - to determine the direction of command; order. |
dis-CERN ing - quick to discern; penetrating or judging. |
dis-COV-er-y - the act of discovering; disclosure. |
dis-EASE (di-ZEEZ) - illness; ailment; disorder. |
DIS-pen-sa-tion (shun) - a dealing out; distribution; authority given by Grand Master. |
dis-PENSED - waived the observance of; relinquished. |
dis-PERSED (PURST) - scattered; dissipated; placed near together irregularly. |
dis-PLAY - to unfold; expose; bring to the view or mind; exhibit. |
dis-POSED - parted with; got rid of. |
DIS-po-SI-tion (ZISH-un) - the act of disposing; manner of disposal. |
dis-SAT-is-FIED - displeased; disappointed. |
dis-SIM-u-LA-tion (shun) - false pretense; hypocrisy; deception. |
DIS-so-LU-tion (shun) - death; separation of soul and body. |
dis-TINCT - clear to the senses or mind; plain; unmistakable. |
dis-TIN-guish (gwish) - to recognize as separate; discriminate. |
dis-TIN-guish-ed (dis-TING-gwisht) - conspicuous; eminent; told apart. |
dis-TRESS - acute or extreme suffering or its caused pain; trouble. |
dis-TURB - to rouse from repose or rest; disquiet. |
di-VEST-ed (as in divide) - deprived; stripped; undressed. |
di-VIDE - to cut or separate or cause to separate into parts; disunite. |
DOR-ic (DOR-ik) - order of architecture. |
DOR-mant - a Lodge that has ceased to work; inactive. |
DOT-age (DOE-tij) - feebleness of mind due to old age; senility. |
DOUB-le (DUB-L) - two fold; twice as much. |
DREAD-fuly - awfully; terribly; frightfully. |
DUE - regular; proper; owed; lawful. |
DUE ex-AM-i-NA-tion - the word "due" refers to the manner. |
DUE FORM - in the proper manner. |
DUE GUARD (DUE GARD) - mode of recognition. |
DUE o-BE-di-ence - according to Grand Lodge requirement. |
DU-ly - in accordance with what is due; fitly; in due time or manner. |
EAVES-DROP-pers (EEVZ) - those who listen secretly. |
EBBS - low tides; to decline. |
e-CLIP-tic - circle; pertaining to the eclipses. |
E-dicts (EE-dickts) - proclaimed by authority as rules of action. |
ED-i-fice (ED-i-fis) - buflding or structure. |
ef-FEC-tu-al-ly (ef-FEC-choo-el-e) - to produce a result; with effect; truly. |
EM-blem-AT-i-cal - symbolic; pertaining to an emblem. |
EM-i-nent - high in station; remarkable; noted; great. |
EM-u-LA-tion - act of striving to equal or excel another in quality. |
en-A-bled (bld) - made able; supplied with equal power or means. |
en-DEAV-or-ed (DEV-ur) - attempted to do or attain something; tried. |
en-DUE - to clothe; invest. |
en-GRAVE - fashion or copy by carving. |
EN-sign (EN-sin) - a badge or symbol of office. |
en-SU-ing - following; following as a consequence; resulting. |
EN-ter - to go or come from outside to the interior; appear; begin. |
EN-ter-ed-Ap-PREN-tice - entered as a learner. |
en-TI-tle - to authorize to receive or require. |
EN-trance (truns) - the act of entering. |
E-PHRA-im-ites (EE-FRA-mites) - tribe of Israel. |
E-qual-ly (EE-kwul) - state of being equal; exact agreement; uniformity. |
ERE - prior to; in time; earlier or sooner than; rather than; before. |
e-RECT - to set up as a building; build; found; form. |
ERR (ER as in her) - wander from the truth; mistake; to go astray morally, sin. |
es-CAPE (es-KAPE) - to flee; get away safely; elude. |
ES-o-TER-ic (ES-o-TER-ik) - not written. |
es-PE-cial-ly (es-PESH-ul-ly) - exceptionally; noteworthily. |
es-SEN-fial (es-SEN-shul) - indispensable; necessary; absoulutely requisite. |
es-TAB-lish - to settle or fix firmly. |
es-TEEM - estimate; value; deem; respect. |
E-thi-O-pi-a - country in Africa. |
EU-clid (YOU-klid) - geometrician who lived about 300 B.C. |
EU-nuch (YOU-nuk) - an emasculated man, usually one castrated before puberty. |
eu-RE-ka (u-REE-ka) - "I have found it." |
e-VA-sion (zhun) - the act, means, or result of evading; avoidance. |
e-VA-sion-OF MIND - the act, means, or results of evading; to use words of double meaning, to evade the truth. |
EV-i-dence - certainty', proof; testimony. |
ex-ACT (egz) - perfectly conformed to a standard; precise. |
ex-ALT-ed (egz-AWLT-ed) - elevated, raised in rank, position or dignity!, sublime; glorify. |
ex-AM-ine (egz-AM-in) - to inspect or scrutinize with care; analyze. |
EX-cel-lent - superior in worth or value; eminent; excelling. |
ex-CESS - waste; intemperance; extra; over, plus. |
ex-CIT-ed - produced agitation in; aroused; stimulated. |
EX-cla-MA-tions (shuns) - clamorous or passionate outcries. |
EX-e-CUT-ed (EX-e-CU-ted) - accomplished; performed; put to death (according to law). |
ex-EM-pla-ry (eg-ZEM-play-ree) - fitted to serve as an example worthy of imitation. |
ex-EM-pli-FY (egz) - Masonic Degree for instruction. |
EX-er-CIS-es (SIZES) - performances; practices; use; occupations; exerts. |
ex-IS-tence (egz) - being; the state or fact of being or continuing to be. |
EX-o-TER-ic (EX-o-TER-ik) - written; opposite of esoteric. |
ex-PANSE - a vast continuous area or stretch as the blue expanse of heaven. |
ex-PE-di-ent - speedy and beneficial; a desired end. |
EX-pla-NA-tion - the act or means of explaining. |
ex-TEND-ing - covering a great extent of time or space. |
ex-TEN-sive - of or pertaining to extension. |
ex-TER-nal (ex-TUR-nul) - being on or relating to the exterior; visible from the outside. |
ex-TORT - to obtain from a person by violence; threat; wrest. |
ex-TREM-i-ty - desperate distress or need; the greatest degree. |
EX-tri-CATE - to liberate from or set free from hinderance. |
ex-U-ber-ance (egz-YOO) - superabundance. |
FAITH-ful-devoted; firm; loyal; true. |
FALL-ing - moving downward; descending. |
FAR-ther - more distant in space; more advanced. |
FAULT - a slight offense; error; wrong; a weakness. |
FEAR - be anxious; fright; dread; horror; to doubt. |
FELL-ed - caused to fall. |
FEL-lows - companions; equals; persons or individuals. |
FEL-low CRAFT - the Second Degree of Freemasonry. |
FEL-low SHIP - the state of being a companion or fellow. |
FER-ven-cy (FUR-ven-sy) - the state of burning with zeal or eagerness; devotion. |
FER-vent (FUR) - burning or very hot. |
fi-DELi-ty (fi-DEL-i-ti) - faithfulness in discharge of duty or obligation. |
FLAT-ter - to praise unduly. |
FLOWS (FLOZ) - moves along smoothly; high tides. |
for-BID-ding - bidding or commanding against an act; prohibiting. |
FORE-head (FOR-ed) - the upper part of the face. |
FOR-eign (FOR-in) - not native. |
FOR-ests OF LEB-a-non - large tracts of woods on east coast of the Mediterranean; the forest mountains of Syria-north of Palestine; the timbers of King Solomon's Temple were supposed to have been prepared there and conveyed in floats by sea to Joppa. |
FORTH - forward in place, time or order. |
FOR-ti-TUDE - courage; endurance. |
FORTY SEVENTH PROBLEM OF EUCLID - in Operative Masonry, apprentices were taught geometry by means of this problem; also known as the theorem of Pythagoras; the theorem of the three squares are but a few of the many names used to designate the Forty Seventh Problem of Euclid. |
fra-TER-ni-ty - brotherly affection. |
FRAUGHT (FRAWT) - laden; full. |
FREE BORN - not bom in servitude. |
FREE MA-son-ry - is an organized society of men symbolically applying the principles of Operative Masonry and architectures to the science and art of character building; before the 18th century, Operative Masons worked in freestone; free of Guild's Laws; free to travel in foreign countries. |
FROM - starting at; beginning with; a watch word. |
fru-I-tion (fru-ISH-un) - the yielding of expected results; fulfillment. |
FUR-ther (thur) - in addition; besides; also. |
FUR-ther MORE - besides; moreover. |
FU-ture (FYOO-choor) - the time yet to come. |
HAH - Hebrew meaning 'The'. |
HAIL - greet; a call. |
HAIL-ed - gave greeting to; saluted; called loudly to. |
HALE - hearty and well. |
HAR-mo-ny - accord in feelings; agreement in relations. |
HAST-en (HAY-SEN) - to drive or urge forward speedily; expedite; be quick; hurry. |
HAV-oc - destruction; ruin. |
HAZ-ard - exposure to the chance of loss or injury; risk; peril; danger. |
HEAL - to make legal. |
HEC - tomb (HEK-a-tome) - a hundred oxen. |
HEEL - part of the foot. |
HELE (HALE) - to cover; conceal; hide. |
HES-i-TA-tion (HEZ-i-TA-shun) - the act of being slow, or uncertain in action. |
HEWN - dressed with an edged tool. |
HID - past tense of hide. |
HIDE - conceal. |
HIGH TWELVE (HI-TWELVE) - the middle of the day; noon; the central point of the working period. |
HI-er-o-GLYPH-i-cal-ly (GLIF-i-cal-ly) - pertaining to the writing of ancient Egypt. |
HOLD-en (HOL-dn) - past participle of hold, still in legal use. |
HO-lies - holy things or qualities; sanctuaries. |
HO-ly - set apart for the service of God; or for sacred uses. |
HOM-age (HOM-ij) - to pay respect or reverence. |
HOOD winked - blindfolded; covered; concealed. |
HOR-i-ZON-tal - parallel to the horizon; on a level. |
HOR-rid - fitted to inspire horror; dreadful; outrageous. |
HOR-ror - that which excites fear or dread; fright. |
HOST - an army; a large body of men. |
HUM-ble - meek; unpretending. |
hy-POC-ri-sy - sham; deception; pretense. |
i-DEN-ti-FY - to ascertain or determine. |
ig-NIT-ed - set on fire; caught fire. |
il-LE-gal - contrary to law. |
il-LU-mi-NATE - to supply with light. |
IL-lus-STRAT-ed (TRAY-ted) - explained by means of figures; examples. |
im-ME-di-ate - without delay; instant; close; next. |
IM-me-MO-ri-al (IM-mi) - beyond memorial. |
IM-mi-nent - about to happen; impending; said especially of danger; near at hand. |
im-MOR-al - violating the moral law. |
IM-mor-RAL-i-ty - vice; wickedness; the quality of being bad or corrupt. |
im-MOR-tal - having unending existence; deathless; everlasting; eternal. |
IM-mor-TAL-i-ty - exemption from death or oblivion; eternal life or fame; unending. |
im-MOR-tal-IZED - caused to be forever remembered; make eternally great. |
im-MOV-a-ble (im-MOOV-a-ble) - that which cannot be moved; steadfast. |
im-PART - to make known; give; to communicate. |
IM-per-CEP-ti-bly - that which cannot be perceived. |
im-PRES-sion (im-PRESH-un) - an effect produced on the senses, the mind, the feelings or the conscience; idea; mark. |
IM-pi-ous - ungodly; wicked; lacking reverence. |
IM-ple-ment - a thing used in work; tool; instrument. |
im-PLORE - called to or for; urgently; asked; pleaded; prayed. |
IM-pre-CA-tions (IM-pr-KAY-shuns) - the acts of invoking as a judgment; curses. |
im-PROVE (im-PROOV) - to make or become better; increase the value; to use to good purposes; turn to advantage. |
IN-cense - the odor or fumes of spices burned as an act of worship. |
in-CENSED - angered; chafed; enraged; irritated; incited to anger; provoked. |
in-CLEM-en-cies - unmild weather. |
in-CON-se-quence - not according to sequence; contrary to reasonable influence. |
in-cor-RUPT-i-ble - incapable of corruption; above the power of bribes; pure. |
in-CUL-CATE - teach; impress; admonition. |
in-CUM-bent - resting; leaning. |
in-DENT-ed TESS-el - in architecture; notched or serrated; formed into several angles; laid with or adorned with checkered mosaic tile or pavement; border of King Solomon's Temple. |
IN-di-gent (Jent) - poor; without property; needy. |
IN-dis-CRIM-i-nate-ly (IN-dis-CRIM-i-nit-ly) - showing no discrimination; without distinction. |
IN-dis-POSED - ill; unwell; disinclined; ailing. |
IN-dis-SOL-u-ble - that which cannot be dissolved; immortal. |
in-DITE - to put into words or writing; expression; composition; to compose. |
in-DUCED - influenced to an act; prevailed on; persuaded. |
in-EF-fa-ble - too lofty or sacred for expression. |
in-ES-ti-ma-ble - above price; very valuable. |
in-FAT-u-A-tion (in-FAT-yoo-A-shun) - the state of being deprived of judgment. |
IN-fi-nite (nit) - unbounded; unlimited; absolute. |
in-FLEX-i-ble - unyielding; firm; rigid; not to be turned from a purpose. |
in-for-MA-tion (shun) - knowledge acquired or derived. |
in-FRINGE (FRINJ) - to break or violate as an oath. |
in-JUNC-tions (in-JUNK-shuns) - admonitions or orders given with authority. |
IN-ju ry - a wrong or damage done to another; hurt. |
IN-no-cence - the condition of being ignorant of evil, of being blameless; pure. |
IN-no-VA-tion (IN-no-VA-shun) - something made new or changed. |
IN-stance - a case offered as an exemplification. |
IN-spir-RA-tion (shun) - influence; enthusiasm; encouragement. |
in-STRUC-ted - informed; taught. |
in-STRUC-tion (shun) - specific direction or command. |
in-STRUC-tions - specific directions or commands. |
in-STRUC-tive - fitted to instruct; conveying knowledge. |
IN-stru-ment - means by which work is done; tool. |
in-TEG-ri-ty - uprightness of character; probity; honesty; justice; worth. |
in-TEL-li gence (jens) - knowledge; intellect. |
in-TEL-Ii-gi-ble (ji-bl) - capable of being understood; plain; clear. |
in-TEM-per-ance - lack of moderation; excess. |
IN-ter COURSE - mutual exchange; innermost. |
IN-ter-est-ing (tres-ting) - holding the attention; exciting. |
in-TER-nal - pertaining to the inner self or the mind; opposed to external. |
IN-ti-mate (met) - close; innermost; familar. |
in-TRIN-sic - real; true. |
IN-tro-DUCE (DUSE) - to bring into the presence of and make known. |
IN-un-DA-tion (DAY-shun) - flood; or submerged. |
in-VA-ri-a-ble - permanent; continual; always uniform. |
in-VEST - to endow, as with office; invest with official jewel; to clothe. |
in-VI-o-la-ble - that which must not or cannot be violated. |
in-VOK-ing - to call on for aid or protection; address, as in prayer; to invoke a blessing. |
in-VOL-un-TA-ri-ly - contrary to one's will or wish; spontaneously. |
I-ON-ic (ik) - order of architecture. |
ir-REG-u-LAR-i-ty - the condition of being disorderly or abnormal. |
IS-ra-el (Mri-el) - called God's chosen people; the Jews. |
IS-ra-el-IT-ish (Is-ra-el-l-tish) - pertaining to Israel. |
LAID - past tense and past participle of lay. |
LAN-guish-ing (LANG-gwish-ing) - weak; listless. |
LAN-tern - a transparent case of portable character for inclosing light. |
LAUD-a-ble (LAWD-a-ble) - worthy of approval; praiseworthy; commendable. |
LAW-ful - permitted; or not forbidden by law; just; right. |
LEC-tures (LEK-churs) - instructs by lecturing. |
LE-gal-ly - according to law; lawful. |
LE-gal MASONIC INFORMATION - pertaining to or according to Masonic Law; in
conformity with Masonic Law. |
LEG-end (LEJ-end) - a story; partly true. |
LEG-i-ble (LEJ) - that which may be read or decipherable. |
LE-ni-ent - gentle; mild; merciful. |
LEV-el - having a flat and even surface; a device to prove a horizontal. |
LEV-i ty - lightness; want of seriousness or earnestness; frivolity. |
LIB-er-ably - abundantly; generous. |
li-CEN-tious (lie-SEN-shus) - careless of rule and accuracy; lewd. |
LILLY WORK - symbol of peace and unity to Egyptians and Jews during the captivity, just as palms are symbols of peace to Christians. |
LINE - in mathematics that which is conceived to have length without breadth or thickness; a mark drawn by an instrument; any slender mark or streak; a string or cord; mode or fashion of life and conduct; boundary. |
LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH - refers in its original interpretation to Christ; Him who "brought life and immortality to light"; also describes the Messiah of the Jewish Mason, or the mediator of some of the ancient religions of the East whose worshippers are Masons; also one of the titles of King Solomon. |
LODGE (LOJ) - a meeting place. |
LOG-ic (LOJ-ic) - the science or art of reasoning. |
LOW TWELVE - midnight; Masonically, low twelve is a symbol of death. |
MAG-ni-TUDES - largeness; vastness. |
MAH - Hebrew meaning "what". |
main-TAIN - to hold; to keep; to defend; to carry on or continue. |
MAN-gled - disfigured; mutilated; bruising; cutting. |
MAN-i-fold - of great variety; numerous. |
MAN-u-al - done, made, or used by the hand. |
MAST - upright pole in a sailing vessel to sustain the sails. |
ma-TE-ri-al - pertaining to matter having a corporeal existence. |
MAX-ims - the greatest rules, opinions, or authorities. |
MEANS - money or property as a procuring medium. |
MED-i-TAT-ing (TA-ting) - deliberating; contemplating. |
me-MO-ri-al - in memory of a person or an event. |
MEM-o-ry (MEM-o-ree) - recollection; that which reminds. |
MEN-tal-ly - affected by or due to the mind; especially without written symbols. |
MEN-tal RES-er-VA-tion (shun) - pertaining to the mind. |
me-RID-i-an - noontime; midday. |
me-TAL-lic - pertaining to a metal. |
MIN-er-als - any inorganic substance. |
mi-NU-test - most exact, fine, precise. |
mi-RAC-u-lous (yu-lus) - affected by direct supernatural driving agency. |
MIS-er-ies - extreme distress or suffering. |
MON-u-ment - something erected to perpetuate the memory of a person or an event. |
MOR-al - conforming to right conduct; good; virtuous. |
mor-RAL-i-ty - the doctrine of man's moral conduct; duties; ethics; virtue. |
Mo-RI-ah - a hill in Jerusalem; site of Solomon's Temple. |
mo-SA-ic (mo-ZAY-ic) - inlaid work of stone; forming a pattern. |
MUR-der-ous - pertaining to murder; destructive; given to murder. |
MYS-ter-ies - things unknown; unexplained; a secret mystic. |