Square & Compasses
Matawan Lodge No. 192
192 Main Street
Matawan, New Jersey 07747
  Lodge Phone – 732 637 0192
Email – Info@MatawanLodge.org
Grand Lodge of New Jersey

James E. Miller, Worshipful Master

Gregory H. Nazarian, P.M., Secretary
Christopher DiStefano, Senior Warden Arthur J. Campbell, P.M., Treasurer

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except July & August
Gavel Sounds – 8:00 PM

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Carl Claudy
Carl Claudy

Albert Gallatin Mackey
Albert Gallatin Mackey

Joseph Fort Newton
Joseph Fort Newton

Walter Leslie Wilmshurst
Walter Leslie Wilmshurst
Masonic Symbolism

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— Celebrating More Than 100 Years of Freemasonry —

Dictionary Of Masonic Related Words



NAK-ed (NAY-ked) - having no clothes or garments on; nude; bare.
NAPH-ta-li (NAF-tal-lie) - one of Jacob's sons.
NEC-es-SA-ry - being such in its nature or conditions that it must exist or be true; essential.
ne-CES-si-ties - needs; an essential.
NEI-ther (NEE-thur) - not one or the other.
NET - work a fabric of openwork; netting; a system of interlacing lines; tracks or channels, symbol of unity.
NI-ce-ty - a delicate point or distinction; precision.
NON AGE - the period of legal minority.
NOUR-ish (NUR-ish) - furnish material to sustain life and growth; cherish.
NOUR-ish-ment - food; nutriment.

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OB-du-rate - unyielding; stubborn; hard.
o-BE-di-ence - submission to command; prohibition, law, rule, or duty; act of obeying.
o-BEY-ed - was obedient; complied.
OB-Ii-GA-tion (OB-li-GAY-shun) - duty; promise by which one is bound.
OB-long SQUARE - a rectangle; the shape of a Lodge.
ob-SER-vance (ob-ZUR-vuns) - act of observing as a custom or ceremony.
ob-SERVE (ob-ZURV) - to take notice of; note with attention; comply with.
ob-STRUC-tions (shuns) - hinderances.
ob-TAIN-ing - getting possession; attaining by effort; gaining; winning.
oc-CA-sion-ed (uh-CAY-zhun-ed) - caused or brought about; made; produced.
OC-cu-PIED (u-PIED) - filled; held; possessed.
oc-CURRED - presented itself to the mind; thought of or conceived.
o'CLOCK - a contraction of the clock signifying according to or by the clock; old way of asking time of day, "what's o'clock?"
OFF - away or free from; a test word.
of-FEN-sive (siv) - serving as a means of attack; disagreeable.
OF-fi-ces (OF-ises) - ceremonies; rites; places or buildings.
OFT-en (OFF-en) - frequently occurring.
OP-er-A-tive (OP-er-A-tiv) - engaged in practical activity as a workman or mechanic.
O-ral - verbal by word of mouth.
O-ral-ly - uttered through the mouth; consisting of spoken words.
OR-bits - paths of Celestial Bodies.
O-ri-EN-tal CHAIR - seat of Worshipful Master.
o-RIG-i-NAT-ed (o-RIJ) - created; invented.
OR-na-MENT-ed - marked with distinction; decorated.
OR-phan - a child whose parents are dead.
O-ver-SE-er - one who oversees.
OW-ing TO - attributable to; on account of; in consequence of.

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PAR-i-an (PARE-i-an) - ceramic ware of Parian marble.
PAR-tial-ly (PAR-shu-ly) - pertaining to a part only.
par-TIC-u-lar (yu-lur) - distinct; individual; precise.
PARTS - one of the points of Masonry.
PAS-sage (ij) - a journey by conveyance, as by a vessel; exit or transmit.
PAS-sions (PASH-uns) - intense emotions; eager enthusiasm.
PA-tience (PAY-shuns) - calmness; composure; endurance.
PEC-to-ral (PEK-tor-al) - the breast.
PED-al (PEH-dal) - pertaining to the feet.
PE-nal (PEA-nal) - prescribing punishment.
PEN-al-ties - Masonic reprimands, suspensions, expulsions.
PEN-al-ty - a handicap imposed for violation of rules or laws.
PEN-ni-less - poor; poverty stricken.
per-CEIV-ing (SEEV) - seeing; comprehending; discerning.
PER-fect (PUR-fict) - having the qualities; without defect.
per-FORM - execute; do.
per-MIS-sion (MISH-un) - allowance; consent; permit.
PER-pen-DIC-u-lars (yu lures) - upright or vertical.
per-PET-u-al - continuing; unlimited in time; constant; lasting.
per-PET-u-ATE - to cause to be continued or to endure indefinitely.
PER-se-VER-ance - persistence; steadfastness.
PER-se-VER-ing - persistent of purpose.
per-SIST-ed - continued steadfast against opposition; to continue steadfastly.
pe-TI-tion (pe-TISH-un) - to request; to ask for; pray.
per-VADES - passes or spreads through every part; be diffused widely.
per-VAD-ing - diffused widely; spreading everywhere.
PHA-raoh (FAY-row) - monarch of ancient Egypt.
phi-LAN-thro-py - social elevation of mankind; benevolence.
phi-LOS-o-pher - a person of practical wisdom.
phi-LOS-o-phy - a scientific system.
PIERC-ing - penetrating with a pointed instrument.
PI-e-ty - devoutness; reverence toward God.
pi-LAS-ters (pi-LAST-ters) - partly projecting columns.
PILLARS (PIL-ars) - a firm, upright separate support; column or shaft; to adorn or support with or as with pillars; column to support a structure.
PIQUE (PEEK) - a feeling of irritation or resentment; envy; jealousy.
PLUCK-ed - gave a sudden pull or jerk.
PLUMB (PLUM) - for testing or finding perpendiculars.
PLUMB LINE (PLUM LINE) - Masonically, a symbol of rectitude of conduct; a cord by which a weight is suspended to test perpendiculars or depth of something; an emblem of uprightness.
POINT - in mathematics that which is conceived to have position but not parts or dimensions, as the extremity of a line; a puncture; a dot; a place.
POINT WITHIN A CIRCLE - the point represents the individual; the circle, the boundary line of his duty to God and man.
POINTS - the sharp end of any instrument, such as the scribes of the compasses or rules and regulations.
POME-gran-ate (POM-gran-it) - symbol of plenty.
POM-mels (POM-uls) - globes on pillars at the temple.
POR-tion (shun) - an allotment; share; part.
po-SI-tion (ZISH-un) - give a fixed place to; to place in a position; to locate.
POS-i-tive (POZ-i-tiv) - that is or may be directly affirmed; real; actual.
POS-si-ble - that may be or may become true.
pre-CEDE (SEED) - to occur or exist before.
PRE-cepts (PREE-cepts) - rules of conduct or action.
pre-FER-ment - the act of elevating, or state of being elevated; advancement; the act of promoting.
pre-MED-i-tat-ed (ta-ted) - revolved in the mind before hand; designed before doing.
PREP-a-RA-tion (PREP-a RAY-shun) - the act, progress, or operation of preparing.
pre-ROG-a-tive - unquestioned right belonging to a person by virtue of position.
pre-SCRIBED - set or laid down, authoritatively for direction or control; ordained.
pre-SENT-ed (ZENT) - gave; donated.
pre-SIDES (ZIDES) - acts as head or ruler.
pre-SUM-ed (ZOOM'D) - assumed; ventured; dared.
PRE-vi-ous-ly - prior; earlier.
PREY (PRAY) - any animals seized by another for food; plunder.
PRIV-i-lege (Iij) - a peculiar benefit; favor or advantage.
PROB-a-BIL-i-ty - the state or quality of being probable; likelihood.
pro-BA-tion-a-ry (shun-a-ry) - involving a test, examination, or trial.
pro-CEED - to go on or forward.
pro-CEED-ings - the acts or courses of action; records or minutes of meetings.
pro-DUCE - to bring to view; exhibit; show; bring forth.
pro-FANE - non Mason; outside the temple.
pro-FI-cien-cy (FISH-un-si) - an advanced state of attainment in knowledge.
pro-NOUNCED - spoke; asserted.
PROP-a-gate - to generate; be produced; multiply or cause to multiply; increase.
PROP-er-ly - in a proper manner; suitably, rightly.
PROP-er-ties - means; money; ownership.
pro-POR-tions (shuns) - ratio; equal or just share.
pro-PRI-e-ty - being proper; usage; custom; correctness.
pro-VID-ed - made; procured; furnished for future use.
PRO-vince - proper office or business; an authority or right to command and force obedience; an authority assigned or properly belonging to a person; it is the province of the Worshipful Master to apply the laws.
PRO-vinces - as the provinces of the Dominion of Canada.
pro-VI-sion-al - providing for a temporary necessity; adopted tentatively.
PRU-dence - wisdom; foresight; discretion.
pru-DEN-tiaHy (pru-DEN-shuly) - cautions; worldlywise; judicious.
PUR BLIND, POOR BLIND, OR PORE BLIND - The precise Masonic spelling and meaning are apparently lost in antiquity. Old dictionaries define the word generally as "pure, or wholly blind; nearsighted or dimsighted."
PURGE (PURJ) - to remove foreign matter; make pure; cleanse.
PUR-pose (pus) - object; plan; aim.
pur-SUE - to follow persistently with the purpose of seizing or securing; chase.
pur-SUIT - the act of pursuing; a chase; hunt.
PU-tre-FAC-tion (shun) - decay; or decaying with fetid odor; rotten.
PU-trid - bad; rotten; corrupt; foul.
Py-THAG-o-ras - Greek philosopher of the 6th century.

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QUALA-fi-CA-tions (shuns) -abilities which fit a person; competence.
QUALA-FIED - competent.
QUAR-rel (KWAR-ul) -dispute; contend.
QUAR-ry (KWAR-ry) - a pit from which stones are taken.

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RASH-ness - acting without due caution or regard of consequences; reckless; impetuous; quick; speedy.
RA-tion-al (RASH-un-al) - reasonable; sane.
RAV-ages (ijs) - ruins; to devastate.
RAV-en-ous - greedy; hungry.
re-CANT-ed - withdrew one's belief in something; revoked; recalled.
RE-ca-PIT-u-LATE - repeat the principal points.
re-CESS-es (ree-SES-es) - inner places of the mind; niche; alcove.
re-CIP-ro-cal - mutual; shared.
REC-ol-LEC-ting - recalling the knowledge of; reviving in memory.
REC-om-men-DA-tion (shun) - the act of recommending.
REC-ti-TUDE - justice; virtue; uprightedness.
REDEEMING AND CHANGING - to regain possession of by paying a price (See word "changing").
re-FLEC-tions (shuns) - the casting of blame; thinking; thoughts.
REF-or-MA-tion (shun) - the act of reforming.
re-FRESH-ment - the opposite of labor; that which refreshes, as food, drink or rest.
re-GARDS - give heed to; due observance; as concerns; consider; certain points of view.
REG-u-lar (REG-u-ler) - made according to rule.
REG-u-LAR-i-ty - the quality or state of being regular.
REG-u-lar-ly - in a regular manner; according to the usual method or order.
REG-u-LATE - adjust; arrange; order; rule.
re-LEASE - unbind; exempt; free; let go.
re-LI-ance - faith; trust; dependence.
re-LY - to depend; trust; repose confidence.
re-MEM-brance - that which is remembered.
REN-der - to give as due; to give in answer to requirement of duty, demand or fitness.
re-PAIR - a concourse of people to a certain spot.
re-POS-i-TO-ries (re-POZ-i-TOE-ries) - places where anything is stored.
re-POS-i-TO-ry - a depository.
REP-re-sen-TA-tion (zen-TA-shun) - a likeness, model, statue.
REP-re-SENT-ed (ZENT) - was the symbol of; brought before the mind.
REP-re-SENT-ing - bringing before the mind; imitating.
RES-er-VA-tion (REZ-er-VA-shun) - the act of reserving; withheld.
re-SIS-tance (ZIS tuns) - act of resisting.
RES-o-LU-tion (REZ-o-LU-shun) - a judgment or decision; law; purpose.
re-SOURCES - supplies that can be drawn on.
re-STRAINT - Self repression; that which restrains.
re-SUME (ZUME) - to begin again after interruption.
RES-ur-REC-tion (shun) - rising from the dead; rebirth.
re-TIRED - to withdraw; retreat.
re-VEAL - to make known or disclose; announce; inform; divulge.
REV-e-LA-tion (REV-e-LA-shun) - Divine truth; that which is revealed, especially by God to man.
REV-e-LA-tions (REV-e-LA-shuns) - that which has been so revealed, as concerning God in his relations to man; the Bible; that which is or has been revealed.
re-VERE - to regard with veneration; reverence; admire; worship.
REV-er-ent - feeling reverence.
REV-er-EN-tial (shul) - expressing reverence.
REV-er-ent-ly - expressing reverence.
REV-o-LU-tions (REV-o-LU-shuns) - the act or state of revolving; a cycle.
RHET-o-RIC (RET) - the art of discourse; writing.
RID-i-CULE - mock; deride; scoff; quiz.
ri-DIC-u-lous (yu lus) - exciting or calculated to excite ridicule.
RIGHT - a power or privilege; just; proper.
RIGHTS - a just and proper claim to title to anything, or that which may be claimed on just, moral, legal, or customary grounds.
RIGHT-ly - honestly; uprightly; correctly.
RIGHT WOR-ship-ful (RIGHT WUR-ship-ful) - (right or greatly respected) worthy of honor; entitled to respect by reason of character or position; a title of honor in addressing person or station.
RIG-or - severity; harsh; chill; be stiff.
RO-man EA-GLE - symbol of imperial power in Rome.
RUB-bish - waste; refuse; broken matter; trash.
RUDE - rough; crude.
RUF-fi-ans - lawless, brutal, cruel fellows; rough fellows.
RUTH-less (ROOTH-less) - having no compassion; cruel; merciless.

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SA-cred (SAY-cred) - set apart or dedicated to religious use; hallowed.
SAINTS JOHN - The Baptist and the Evangelist.
SAL-u-TA-ry - healthy; useful.
sa-LUTE (sa-LOOT) - a gesture of greeting; compliment; respect.
sa-LUT-ing - the act of greeting, complimenting or respecting.
sanc-TO-rum (sank-TOE nun) - the holy of holies; a place of great privacy.
SANC-tum (SANK-tum) - a sacred place.
SAT-is-FAC-to-ry - answering fully all desires; adequate expectations; sufficient.
SCEP-ter (SEP-ter) - an ornamental staff.
SCRIP-ture - the sacred writing of any people.
SEA FAR-ing (FARE-ing) - traveling over the ocean; following the seas as a calling.
SEARCH (SURCH) - the act of seeking or looking diligently; inquiry.
SE-cre-cy - something not to be told; concealment; privacy.
SEC-re-TA-ry - one who attends to correspondence, keeps records.
SE-cret arts - rules and regulations kept separate or hidden from view or knowledge; arts.
SE-crets - thing hot to be told.
SEEK - to go in search of; look for; to strive for; to try to go to.
SEN-tence - a related group of words; final judgment.
SER-aph (SER-uf) - an angel of the highest order.
SEV-er-al - being of an indefinite number; more than two.
SEV-er-ed - cut or broken apart; disjoined; separated; divided.
SHEAF - bundle of wheat or bundle of straw.
SHIB-bo-leth (sometimes pronounced Sibboleth) - a test word; watchword.
SIG-ni-fi-CA-tion (SIG-ni-fi-CA-shun) - that which is signified; meaning; sense.
SIG-ni-FY - to make known by signs or words; express; communicate.
SIG-ni-FY-ing - alluding; meaning.
SIM-i-LAR-i-ty - things that coincide with or resemble each other.
sin-CERE-ly - honestly; really; truly.
SIN-gu-lar (SING-gu-lur) - standing b y itself; isolated; queer; rare.
SIT-u-AT-ed (SICH-yu-A-ted) - fixed a site for; placed in a position.
SIT-u-A-tions (shuns) - conditions as modified or determined by surroundings; status.
SKILL-ful - having skill; clever; trained; expert.
SLIPPED - slid; glided.
SLIP-peth - slid; glided.
SLIP-ping - sliding; gliding.
SOL-emn (SOL-um) - exciting; grave or serious thought; serious; impressive.
so-LEM-ni-ty - gravity; reverence; solemn feeling.
SOL-emn-ly - earnestly; seriously.
SOL-id - in mathematics having or relating to the three dimensions of length, breadth and thickness; not hollow; firm; compact; hard; sound; dense; filled.
SPE-cies (SPEE-sheez) - race; strain; kind; breed; sort.
SPEC-u-LA-tive (SPECK-u-LA-tiv) - pertaining to theorizing or conjecturing.
SPOILS - takes by violence; plunder; booty.
STAR and GAR ter - an English Order about 1350 A.D.
STA-tion (STA-shun) - a place where a person or thing usually stands or is; an assigned location.
STAT-utes (STAT-uts) - any authoritatively declared rule, written decree, or law.
STEAD FAST (STED) - firm; constant.
STRENGTH-en-ed - made strong; became or grew strong or stronger.
STRETCH - to extend or draw out.
STRICT - observing or enforcing rules exactly; rigidly observed.
STRICT TRIAL - act of trying or testing.
STROVE - made eamest efforts.
stu-PEN-dous (dus) - large in size; bulky; immense.
sub-DUE - to render mild; soften; to conquer.
sub-LIME - characterized by elevation; nobility; awe; grand; solemn; lofty.
sub-MIS-sion (sub-MISH-un) - the act of submitting; a yielding to the power or authority of another; obedience; humility; resignation; meekness.
sub-MIT - yield to authority; obey.
sub-OR-di-nate (nit) - belonging to an inferior order in a classification.
sub-SIST-ed - existed in or by something; to have retained the present state.
SUB-stance - the material of which anything is constituted.
SUB-sti-TU-ted - put in the place of another person or thing; replacement.
SUC-coth (SUCK-oth) - ancient city of Palestine.
SUF-fer - to undergo; to be affected by; allow; tolerate.
SUM-mons - a call to attend or act at a particular place or time (cite).
SUN-dry - several; assorted.
su-PERB (su-PURB) - having grand impressive beauty; edifice; costly; elegant.
SU-per-fice (SU-per-fiss) - in mathematics, a magnitude of two dimensions having only length and breadth; a surface or its area; external appearance; exterior part.
SU-per-FLU-i-ties - excesses; wastes.
su-PE-ri-or - surpassing in quantity, quality, or degree; more excellent.
sup-PLANT - undermine; to take the place of.
sup-PORT - sustain; uphold; aid.
sup-POSED - thought or imagined to oneself as true; assumed.
su-PREME - highest in power or authority; highest in degree; greatest.
SUR-face (fis) - exterior; the outside.
sur-MOUNT-ed - capped on top of.
sur-VIVES - outlives; outlasts; lives through; remains alive.
sus-PEND - to cause to hang from a support; annul temporarily, as a law.
sus-TAIN - to uphold as a weight; to endure without yielding; support; prop.
SUS-te-nance - that which sustains; livelihood; means of support; food.
SWERVE (SWURV) - to turn aside from a prescribed, expected or usual course; to rove; to wander.
SWORD (SORD) - a weapon consisting of a long blade, fixed to a hilt.
SWORE - past tense for swear.
SYL-la-ble - that which is uttered in a single vocal impulse.
SYM-bol (SIM-bul) - emblem; letter; mark; sign.
SYM-me-try (SIM-i-tri) - harmony; order; proportions; balancing.
sy-NON-y-mous (si-NON-i-rnus) - alike; similar in meaning.

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TAB-er-NA-cle (NA-kl) - a tent or similar structure.
TAUGHT (TAWT) - past tense of teach.
TEM-per-ance - self control; abstinence; calmness.
tem-PES-tu-ous (tu-us) - stormy; turbulent; violent.
TEM-po-ral - pertaining to temple; pertaining to affairs of the present life, as contrasted with eternity; worldly; earthly as opposed to spiritual; also transitory or temporary.
TEN-ets - opinions; principles; doctrines.
TER-mi-NATE - finish; end; cease.
ter-RES-tri-al (tre-al) - belonging to the earth.
TES-t-i-mo-ny - evidence; proof; affirmation.
THENCE - from that place; away from there.
THE-o-LOG-i-cal (LOJ-i-cul) - pertaining to the nature of theology.
THE-o-rems - a proposition setting forth something to be proved.
THRICE - three times; in a threefold manner.
TI-dings - reports or information; news.
TI-l-ed - to secure against intrusion specifically in Freemasonry; to place the doorkeeper or Tiler at the door of a Lodge; to keep out unauthorized persons.
TIL-er - a layer of tiles; the doorkeeper of a Masonic Lodge.
TO-ken (TOE-kin) - anything indicative of some other thing; mark; sign; symbol.
TORN - pulled apart.
TOR-ture (choor) - great mental suffering; agony.
TO-WIT - that is to say; namely; to introduce a detailed statement or an explanation.
tra-DI-tion (truh-DISH-un) - the transmission of knowledge; customs; practices.
trans-AC-tions (shuns) - affairs; acts; proceedings.
TRAN-si-TO-ry - existing for a short time only; transient.
TREA-son (TREE-zn) - betrayal; breach of allegiance toward our government.
TREA-sur-er (TREZH-ur-ur) - custodian of the funds of a society.
TRES-tle (TRES-l) - board for the Master to draw his designs upon.
TRES-tle-board (TRES-l-bord) - a draughtsman's designing board; that on which a Mason draws the designs for his character and spiritual growth; that on which the Worshipful Master lays out his designs for the workmen.
TRIAL - the act of trying or the state of being tried; also a proving or testing by experience or use.
TRI-AN-gu-lar (ANG-gu-lur) - bounded by three sides.
TRIED (TRIDE) - tested; examined.
TU-bal-CAIN - the first artificer in brass and iron.
TROW-el (TROW-ul) - implement used by stone masons.
TRU-ly - in conformity with fact or truth with accuracy; lawfully; precisely.
TRUS-ty - worthy of confidence; reliable; staunch; faithful to duty or trust; firm; a trustworthy person.
TUR-bu-lent (bu-lunt) - inclined to rebel; disorderly; restless.
TUS-can - order of architecture.
TWAIN - a couple; two.
TWENTY FOUR INCH GAUGE - a rule two feet long symbolically, time, well employed.
TWICE - two times.
TY-rant - one who exercises absolute power without legal warrant.
TYRE (TIRE) - a seaport and capital of ancient Phoenicia.

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U-na-NIM-i-ty - the state of being unanimous; harmony.
un-BOUND-ed - having no bounds or unlimited extent; not limited; unrestrained.
un-ERR-ing (un-ER ("ER" as in "HER")-ing) - making no mistakes; not erring; sure; accurate; infallible.
un-FEIGN-ed (un-FAYND) - sincere; genuine.
U-ni-VER-sal - the entire universe.
U-ni-ver-SAL-i-ty - the state of being all embracing.
un-LAW-ful-ly - violation of law; illegally.
un-ma-SON-ic - violation of Masonic laws or civil law.
un-SUL-lied (SUL-lid) - unsoiled; unstained.
un-TEM-per-ed (un-TEM-purd) - unruly passions; improperly mixed for use.
UP-right - morally correct; erect; just and honest; pure; virtuous.
UR-gent (junt) - requiring prompt attention; pressing; imperative.
URN - a vessel for preserving the ashes of the dead.
U-su-al (YOO-zhoo-ul) - such as occurs in the ordinary course of events; frequent.
U-su-ally - generally; normally; customary.

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VALE - valley; low place.
VAL-u-a-ble - having worth, price or value; costly; estimable.
VEN-geance (Juns) - avenging of a wrong; revenge.
VI-cious (VISH-us) - addicted to vice; wicked; evil.
vi-CIS-si-tudes (vi-SIS-i-toods) - irregular changes.
VILE - sinful; vulgar; repulsive.
VI-olence - outrage; fury; injury; assault.
VI-o-lent - fierce; severe; wild; mad; frantic.
VIR-gin (VUR-jin) - a maiden; pure; uncorrupted.
VIR-tue - chastity; duty; purity.
VIR-tues - moral excellence; rectitude; duty; honor.
VIR-tu-ous - morally pure and good.
VI-tal - affecting life; fatal to life; most important.
vo-CA-tion (vo-CA-shun) - a stated or regular occupation; a calling; a certain career.
VOID - an empty space; vacant; blank.
VOL-un-TA-ri-ly - own free will or choice; spontaneously.
vo-LUTE - a spiral like ornament; spiral or twist.
VOUCH - to assert; affirm; bear witness.
VOUCH-er - one who avouches for another; a witness; attest.
VUL-tures (churs) - birds feeding mostly on carrion.

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WAFTS (WAHFS) - floats.
WAR-rant (WOR-ant) - a document conferring a certain authority; charter.
WA-ter FORD - symbol of plenty.
WEAK-er - lacking in power or ability; capacity or right.
WEST-er-ly - lying in, directed toward the west.
WHENCE - from what place or source; of what origin.
WID-ow (WID-o) - deprived of a husband.
WORK-ings - engaged actively in some employment; relating to or occupied by work; action; business.
WORLD-ly - earthly; not spiritual.
WORN - past participle of wear.
WOR-ship-ful (WUR-ship-ful) - title meaning respected.
WOR-thy (WUR-thi) - possessing worth; moral; virtuous.
WRETCH-es - those who are mean or worthless.
WROUGHT (RAWT) - effected; worked in shape; made.

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YE (YEE) - you; the person addressed.
YIELD - to give way under pressure; relinquish.

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ZARE-than (ZARE-thahn) - an ancient city of Palestine.
ZEAL (ZEEL) - enthusiasm; eagerness.
ZEAL-ous (ZEL-us) - filled with or incited by zeal; enthusiastic; eager; intense feeling or desire.
Ze-RED-a-THA - a town near Succoth.


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How to Memorize
DeMolay Method
Moving Masonry into the
21st Century

Masonic Information Center
Laudable Pursuit
A 21st Century Response
to Dwight Smith

by the Knights of the North
by Manly P. Hall
The Real Secret of Freemasonry
Grand Lodge of New Jersey
Suggested Reading
Adapted from the Livingston Masonic Library (NY) Reading Courses

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© 2012 Matawan Lodge No. 192 F&AM

Matawan Lodge No. 192
192 Main Street
Matawan, New Jersey, 07747

Phone – 732 637 0192
Email – Info@MatawanLodge.org