OB-du-rate - unyielding; stubborn; hard. |
o-BE-di-ence - submission to command; prohibition, law, rule, or duty; act of obeying. |
o-BEY-ed - was obedient; complied. |
OB-Ii-GA-tion (OB-li-GAY-shun) - duty; promise by which one is bound. |
OB-long SQUARE - a rectangle; the shape of a Lodge. |
ob-SER-vance (ob-ZUR-vuns) - act of observing as a custom or ceremony. |
ob-SERVE (ob-ZURV) - to take notice of; note with attention; comply with. |
ob-STRUC-tions (shuns) - hinderances. |
ob-TAIN-ing - getting possession; attaining by effort; gaining; winning. |
oc-CA-sion-ed (uh-CAY-zhun-ed) - caused or brought about; made; produced. |
OC-cu-PIED (u-PIED) - filled; held; possessed. |
oc-CURRED - presented itself to the mind; thought of or conceived. |
o'CLOCK - a contraction of the clock signifying according to or by the clock; old way of asking time of day, "what's o'clock?" |
OFF - away or free from; a test word. |
of-FEN-sive (siv) - serving as a means of attack; disagreeable. |
OF-fi-ces (OF-ises) - ceremonies; rites; places or buildings. |
OFT-en (OFF-en) - frequently occurring. |
OP-er-A-tive (OP-er-A-tiv) - engaged in practical activity as a workman or mechanic. |
O-ral - verbal by word of mouth. |
O-ral-ly - uttered through the mouth; consisting of spoken words. |
OR-bits - paths of Celestial Bodies. |
O-ri-EN-tal CHAIR - seat of Worshipful Master. |
o-RIG-i-NAT-ed (o-RIJ) - created; invented. |
OR-na-MENT-ed - marked with distinction; decorated. |
OR-phan - a child whose parents are dead. |
O-ver-SE-er - one who oversees. |
OW-ing TO - attributable to; on account of; in consequence of. |
PAR-i-an (PARE-i-an) - ceramic ware of Parian marble. |
PAR-tial-ly (PAR-shu-ly) - pertaining to a part only. |
par-TIC-u-lar (yu-lur) - distinct; individual; precise. |
PARTS - one of the points of Masonry. |
PAS-sage (ij) - a journey by conveyance, as by a vessel; exit or transmit. |
PAS-sions (PASH-uns) - intense emotions; eager enthusiasm. |
PA-tience (PAY-shuns) - calmness; composure; endurance. |
PEC-to-ral (PEK-tor-al) - the breast. |
PED-al (PEH-dal) - pertaining to the feet. |
PE-nal (PEA-nal) - prescribing punishment. |
PEN-al-ties - Masonic reprimands, suspensions, expulsions. |
PEN-al-ty - a handicap imposed for violation of rules or laws. |
PEN-ni-less - poor; poverty stricken. |
per-CEIV-ing (SEEV) - seeing; comprehending; discerning. |
PER-fect (PUR-fict) - having the qualities; without defect. |
per-FORM - execute; do. |
per-MIS-sion (MISH-un) - allowance; consent; permit. |
PER-pen-DIC-u-lars (yu lures) - upright or vertical. |
per-PET-u-al - continuing; unlimited in time; constant; lasting. |
per-PET-u-ATE - to cause to be continued or to endure indefinitely. |
PER-se-VER-ance - persistence; steadfastness. |
PER-se-VER-ing - persistent of purpose. |
per-SIST-ed - continued steadfast against opposition; to continue steadfastly. |
pe-TI-tion (pe-TISH-un) - to request; to ask for; pray. |
per-VADES - passes or spreads through every part; be diffused widely. |
per-VAD-ing - diffused widely; spreading everywhere. |
PHA-raoh (FAY-row) - monarch of ancient Egypt. |
phi-LAN-thro-py - social elevation of mankind; benevolence. |
phi-LOS-o-pher - a person of practical wisdom. |
phi-LOS-o-phy - a scientific system. |
PIERC-ing - penetrating with a pointed instrument. |
PI-e-ty - devoutness; reverence toward God. |
pi-LAS-ters (pi-LAST-ters) - partly projecting columns. |
PILLARS (PIL-ars) - a firm, upright separate support; column or shaft; to adorn or support with or as with pillars; column to support a structure. |
PIQUE (PEEK) - a feeling of irritation or resentment; envy; jealousy. |
PLUCK-ed - gave a sudden pull or jerk. |
PLUMB (PLUM) - for testing or finding perpendiculars. |
PLUMB LINE (PLUM LINE) - Masonically, a symbol of rectitude of conduct; a cord by which a weight is suspended to test perpendiculars or depth of something; an emblem of uprightness. |
POINT - in mathematics that which is conceived to have position but not parts or dimensions, as the extremity of a line; a puncture; a dot; a place. |
POINT WITHIN A CIRCLE - the point represents the individual; the circle, the boundary line of his duty to God and man. |
POINTS - the sharp end of any instrument, such as the scribes of the compasses or rules and regulations. |
POME-gran-ate (POM-gran-it) - symbol of plenty. |
POM-mels (POM-uls) - globes on pillars at the temple. |
POR-tion (shun) - an allotment; share; part. |
po-SI-tion (ZISH-un) - give a fixed place to; to place in a position; to locate. |
POS-i-tive (POZ-i-tiv) - that is or may be directly affirmed; real; actual. |
POS-si-ble - that may be or may become true. |
pre-CEDE (SEED) - to occur or exist before. |
PRE-cepts (PREE-cepts) - rules of conduct or action. |
pre-FER-ment - the act of elevating, or state of being elevated; advancement; the act of promoting. |
pre-MED-i-tat-ed (ta-ted) - revolved in the mind before hand; designed before doing. |
PREP-a-RA-tion (PREP-a RAY-shun) - the act, progress, or operation of preparing. |
pre-ROG-a-tive - unquestioned right belonging to a person by virtue of position. |
pre-SCRIBED - set or laid down, authoritatively for direction or control; ordained. |
pre-SENT-ed (ZENT) - gave; donated. |
pre-SIDES (ZIDES) - acts as head or ruler. |
pre-SUM-ed (ZOOM'D) - assumed; ventured; dared. |
PRE-vi-ous-ly - prior; earlier. |
PREY (PRAY) - any animals seized by another for food; plunder. |
PRIV-i-lege (Iij) - a peculiar benefit; favor or advantage. |
PROB-a-BIL-i-ty - the state or quality of being probable; likelihood. |
pro-BA-tion-a-ry (shun-a-ry) - involving a test, examination, or trial. |
pro-CEED - to go on or forward. |
pro-CEED-ings - the acts or courses of action; records or minutes of meetings. |
pro-DUCE - to bring to view; exhibit; show; bring forth. |
pro-FANE - non Mason; outside the temple. |
pro-FI-cien-cy (FISH-un-si) - an advanced state of attainment in knowledge. |
pro-NOUNCED - spoke; asserted. |
PROP-a-gate - to generate; be produced; multiply or cause to multiply; increase. |
PROP-er-ly - in a proper manner; suitably, rightly. |
PROP-er-ties - means; money; ownership. |
pro-POR-tions (shuns) - ratio; equal or just share. |
pro-PRI-e-ty - being proper; usage; custom; correctness. |
pro-VID-ed - made; procured; furnished for future use. |
PRO-vince - proper office or business; an authority or right to command and force obedience; an authority assigned or properly belonging to a person; it is the province of the Worshipful Master to apply the laws. |
PRO-vinces - as the provinces of the Dominion of Canada. |
pro-VI-sion-al - providing for a temporary necessity; adopted tentatively. |
PRU-dence - wisdom; foresight; discretion. |
pru-DEN-tiaHy (pru-DEN-shuly) - cautions; worldlywise; judicious. |
PUR BLIND, POOR BLIND, OR PORE BLIND - The precise Masonic spelling and meaning are apparently lost in antiquity. Old dictionaries define the word generally as "pure, or wholly blind; nearsighted or dimsighted." |
PURGE (PURJ) - to remove foreign matter; make pure; cleanse. |
PUR-pose (pus) - object; plan; aim. |
pur-SUE - to follow persistently with the purpose of seizing or securing; chase. |
pur-SUIT - the act of pursuing; a chase; hunt. |
PU-tre-FAC-tion (shun) - decay; or decaying with fetid odor; rotten. |
PU-trid - bad; rotten; corrupt; foul. |
Py-THAG-o-ras - Greek philosopher of the 6th century. |
RASH-ness - acting without due caution or regard of consequences; reckless; impetuous; quick; speedy. |
RA-tion-al (RASH-un-al) - reasonable; sane. |
RAV-ages (ijs) - ruins; to devastate. |
RAV-en-ous - greedy; hungry. |
re-CANT-ed - withdrew one's belief in something; revoked; recalled. |
RE-ca-PIT-u-LATE - repeat the principal points. |
re-CESS-es (ree-SES-es) - inner places of the mind; niche; alcove. |
re-CIP-ro-cal - mutual; shared. |
REC-ol-LEC-ting - recalling the knowledge of; reviving in memory. |
REC-om-men-DA-tion (shun) - the act of recommending. |
REC-ti-TUDE - justice; virtue; uprightedness. |
REDEEMING AND CHANGING - to regain possession of by paying a price (See word "changing"). |
re-FLEC-tions (shuns) - the casting of blame; thinking; thoughts. |
REF-or-MA-tion (shun) - the act of reforming. |
re-FRESH-ment - the opposite of labor; that which refreshes, as food, drink or rest. |
re-GARDS - give heed to; due observance; as concerns; consider; certain points of view. |
REG-u-lar (REG-u-ler) - made according to rule. |
REG-u-LAR-i-ty - the quality or state of being regular. |
REG-u-lar-ly - in a regular manner; according to the usual method or order. |
REG-u-LATE - adjust; arrange; order; rule. |
re-LEASE - unbind; exempt; free; let go. |
re-LI-ance - faith; trust; dependence. |
re-LY - to depend; trust; repose confidence. |
re-MEM-brance - that which is remembered. |
REN-der - to give as due; to give in answer to requirement of duty, demand or fitness. |
re-PAIR - a concourse of people to a certain spot. |
re-POS-i-TO-ries (re-POZ-i-TOE-ries) - places where anything is stored. |
re-POS-i-TO-ry - a depository. |
REP-re-sen-TA-tion (zen-TA-shun) - a likeness, model, statue. |
REP-re-SENT-ed (ZENT) - was the symbol of; brought before the mind. |
REP-re-SENT-ing - bringing before the mind; imitating. |
RES-er-VA-tion (REZ-er-VA-shun) - the act of reserving; withheld. |
re-SIS-tance (ZIS tuns) - act of resisting. |
RES-o-LU-tion (REZ-o-LU-shun) - a judgment or decision; law; purpose. |
re-SOURCES - supplies that can be drawn on. |
re-STRAINT - Self repression; that which restrains. |
re-SUME (ZUME) - to begin again after interruption. |
RES-ur-REC-tion (shun) - rising from the dead; rebirth. |
re-TIRED - to withdraw; retreat. |
re-VEAL - to make known or disclose; announce; inform; divulge. |
REV-e-LA-tion (REV-e-LA-shun) - Divine truth; that which is revealed, especially by God to man. |
REV-e-LA-tions (REV-e-LA-shuns) - that which has been so revealed, as concerning God in his relations to man; the Bible; that which is or has been revealed. |
re-VERE - to regard with veneration; reverence; admire; worship. |
REV-er-ent - feeling reverence. |
REV-er-EN-tial (shul) - expressing reverence. |
REV-er-ent-ly - expressing reverence. |
REV-o-LU-tions (REV-o-LU-shuns) - the act or state of revolving; a cycle. |
RHET-o-RIC (RET) - the art of discourse; writing. |
RID-i-CULE - mock; deride; scoff; quiz. |
ri-DIC-u-lous (yu lus) - exciting or calculated to excite ridicule. |
RIGHT - a power or privilege; just; proper. |
RIGHTS - a just and proper claim to title to anything, or that which may be claimed on just, moral, legal, or customary grounds. |
RIGHT-ly - honestly; uprightly; correctly. |
RIGHT WOR-ship-ful (RIGHT WUR-ship-ful) - (right or greatly respected) worthy of honor; entitled to respect by reason of character or position; a title of honor in addressing person or station. |
RIG-or - severity; harsh; chill; be stiff. |
RO-man EA-GLE - symbol of imperial power in Rome. |
RUB-bish - waste; refuse; broken matter; trash. |
RUDE - rough; crude. |
RUF-fi-ans - lawless, brutal, cruel fellows; rough fellows. |
RUTH-less (ROOTH-less) - having no compassion; cruel; merciless. |
SA-cred (SAY-cred) - set apart or dedicated to religious use; hallowed. |
SAINTS JOHN - The Baptist and the Evangelist. |
SAL-u-TA-ry - healthy; useful. |
sa-LUTE (sa-LOOT) - a gesture of greeting; compliment; respect. |
sa-LUT-ing - the act of greeting, complimenting or respecting. |
sanc-TO-rum (sank-TOE nun) - the holy of holies; a place of great privacy. |
SANC-tum (SANK-tum) - a sacred place. |
SAT-is-FAC-to-ry - answering fully all desires; adequate expectations; sufficient. |
SCEP-ter (SEP-ter) - an ornamental staff. |
SCRIP-ture - the sacred writing of any people. |
SEA FAR-ing (FARE-ing) - traveling over the ocean; following the seas as a calling. |
SEARCH (SURCH) - the act of seeking or looking diligently; inquiry. |
SE-cre-cy - something not to be told; concealment; privacy. |
SEC-re-TA-ry - one who attends to correspondence, keeps records. |
SE-cret arts - rules and regulations kept separate or hidden from view or knowledge; arts. |
SE-crets - thing hot to be told. |
SEEK - to go in search of; look for; to strive for; to try to go to. |
SEN-tence - a related group of words; final judgment. |
SER-aph (SER-uf) - an angel of the highest order. |
SEV-er-al - being of an indefinite number; more than two. |
SEV-er-ed - cut or broken apart; disjoined; separated; divided. |
SHEAF - bundle of wheat or bundle of straw. |
SHIB-bo-leth (sometimes pronounced Sibboleth) - a test word; watchword. |
SIG-ni-fi-CA-tion (SIG-ni-fi-CA-shun) - that which is signified; meaning; sense. |
SIG-ni-FY - to make known by signs or words; express; communicate. |
SIG-ni-FY-ing - alluding; meaning. |
SIM-i-LAR-i-ty - things that coincide with or resemble each other. |
sin-CERE-ly - honestly; really; truly. |
SIN-gu-lar (SING-gu-lur) - standing b y itself; isolated; queer; rare. |
SIT-u-AT-ed (SICH-yu-A-ted) - fixed a site for; placed in a position. |
SIT-u-A-tions (shuns) - conditions as modified or determined by surroundings; status. |
SKILL-ful - having skill; clever; trained; expert. |
SLIPPED - slid; glided. |
SLIP-peth - slid; glided. |
SLIP-ping - sliding; gliding. |
SOL-emn (SOL-um) - exciting; grave or serious thought; serious; impressive. |
so-LEM-ni-ty - gravity; reverence; solemn feeling. |
SOL-emn-ly - earnestly; seriously. |
SOL-id - in mathematics having or relating to the three dimensions of length, breadth and thickness; not hollow; firm; compact; hard; sound; dense; filled. |
SPE-cies (SPEE-sheez) - race; strain; kind; breed; sort. |
SPEC-u-LA-tive (SPECK-u-LA-tiv) - pertaining to theorizing or conjecturing. |
SPOILS - takes by violence; plunder; booty. |
STAR and GAR ter - an English Order about 1350 A.D. |
STA-tion (STA-shun) - a place where a person or thing usually stands or is; an assigned location. |
STAT-utes (STAT-uts) - any authoritatively declared rule, written decree, or law. |
STEAD FAST (STED) - firm; constant. |
STRENGTH-en-ed - made strong; became or grew strong or stronger. |
STRETCH - to extend or draw out. |
STRICT - observing or enforcing rules exactly; rigidly observed. |
STRICT TRIAL - act of trying or testing. |
STROVE - made eamest efforts. |
stu-PEN-dous (dus) - large in size; bulky; immense. |
sub-DUE - to render mild; soften; to conquer. |
sub-LIME - characterized by elevation; nobility; awe; grand; solemn; lofty. |
sub-MIS-sion (sub-MISH-un) - the act of submitting; a yielding to the power or authority of another; obedience; humility; resignation; meekness. |
sub-MIT - yield to authority; obey. |
sub-OR-di-nate (nit) - belonging to an inferior order in a classification. |
sub-SIST-ed - existed in or by something; to have retained the present state. |
SUB-stance - the material of which anything is constituted. |
SUB-sti-TU-ted - put in the place of another person or thing; replacement. |
SUC-coth (SUCK-oth) - ancient city of Palestine. |
SUF-fer - to undergo; to be affected by; allow; tolerate. |
SUM-mons - a call to attend or act at a particular place or time (cite). |
SUN-dry - several; assorted. |
su-PERB (su-PURB) - having grand impressive beauty; edifice; costly; elegant. |
SU-per-fice (SU-per-fiss) - in mathematics, a magnitude of two dimensions having only length and breadth; a surface or its area; external appearance; exterior part. |
SU-per-FLU-i-ties - excesses; wastes. |
su-PE-ri-or - surpassing in quantity, quality, or degree; more excellent. |
sup-PLANT - undermine; to take the place of. |
sup-PORT - sustain; uphold; aid. |
sup-POSED - thought or imagined to oneself as true; assumed. |
su-PREME - highest in power or authority; highest in degree; greatest. |
SUR-face (fis) - exterior; the outside. |
sur-MOUNT-ed - capped on top of. |
sur-VIVES - outlives; outlasts; lives through; remains alive. |
sus-PEND - to cause to hang from a support; annul temporarily, as a law. |
sus-TAIN - to uphold as a weight; to endure without yielding; support; prop. |
SUS-te-nance - that which sustains; livelihood; means of support; food. |
SWERVE (SWURV) - to turn aside from a prescribed, expected or usual course; to rove; to wander. |
SWORD (SORD) - a weapon consisting of a long blade, fixed to a hilt. |
SWORE - past tense for swear. |
SYL-la-ble - that which is uttered in a single vocal impulse. |
SYM-bol (SIM-bul) - emblem; letter; mark; sign. |
SYM-me-try (SIM-i-tri) - harmony; order; proportions; balancing. |
sy-NON-y-mous (si-NON-i-rnus) - alike; similar in meaning. |
TAB-er-NA-cle (NA-kl) - a tent or similar structure. |
TAUGHT (TAWT) - past tense of teach. |
TEM-per-ance - self control; abstinence; calmness. |
tem-PES-tu-ous (tu-us) - stormy; turbulent; violent. |
TEM-po-ral - pertaining to temple; pertaining to affairs of the present life, as contrasted with eternity; worldly; earthly as opposed to spiritual; also transitory or temporary. |
TEN-ets - opinions; principles; doctrines. |
TER-mi-NATE - finish; end; cease. |
ter-RES-tri-al (tre-al) - belonging to the earth. |
TES-t-i-mo-ny - evidence; proof; affirmation. |
THENCE - from that place; away from there. |
THE-o-LOG-i-cal (LOJ-i-cul) - pertaining to the nature of theology. |
THE-o-rems - a proposition setting forth something to be proved. |
THRICE - three times; in a threefold manner. |
TI-dings - reports or information; news. |
TI-l-ed - to secure against intrusion specifically in Freemasonry; to place the doorkeeper or Tiler at the door of a Lodge; to keep out unauthorized persons. |
TIL-er - a layer of tiles; the doorkeeper of a Masonic Lodge. |
TO-ken (TOE-kin) - anything indicative of some other thing; mark; sign; symbol. |
TORN - pulled apart. |
TOR-ture (choor) - great mental suffering; agony. |
TO-WIT - that is to say; namely; to introduce a detailed statement or an explanation. |
tra-DI-tion (truh-DISH-un) - the transmission of knowledge; customs; practices. |
trans-AC-tions (shuns) - affairs; acts; proceedings. |
TRAN-si-TO-ry - existing for a short time only; transient. |
TREA-son (TREE-zn) - betrayal; breach of allegiance toward our government. |
TREA-sur-er (TREZH-ur-ur) - custodian of the funds of a society. |
TRES-tle (TRES-l) - board for the Master to draw his designs upon. |
TRES-tle-board (TRES-l-bord) - a draughtsman's designing board; that on which a Mason draws the designs for his character and spiritual growth; that on which the Worshipful Master lays out his designs for the workmen. |
TRIAL - the act of trying or the state of being tried; also a proving or testing by experience or use. |
TRI-AN-gu-lar (ANG-gu-lur) - bounded by three sides. |
TRIED (TRIDE) - tested; examined. |
TU-bal-CAIN - the first artificer in brass and iron. |
TROW-el (TROW-ul) - implement used by stone masons. |
TRU-ly - in conformity with fact or truth with accuracy; lawfully; precisely. |
TRUS-ty - worthy of confidence; reliable; staunch; faithful to duty or trust; firm; a trustworthy person. |
TUR-bu-lent (bu-lunt) - inclined to rebel; disorderly; restless. |
TUS-can - order of architecture. |
TWAIN - a couple; two. |
TWENTY FOUR INCH GAUGE - a rule two feet long symbolically, time, well employed. |
TWICE - two times. |
TY-rant - one who exercises absolute power without legal warrant. |
TYRE (TIRE) - a seaport and capital of ancient Phoenicia. |
VALE - valley; low place. |
VAL-u-a-ble - having worth, price or value; costly; estimable. |
VEN-geance (Juns) - avenging of a wrong; revenge. |
VI-cious (VISH-us) - addicted to vice; wicked; evil. |
vi-CIS-si-tudes (vi-SIS-i-toods) - irregular changes. |
VILE - sinful; vulgar; repulsive. |
VI-olence - outrage; fury; injury; assault. |
VI-o-lent - fierce; severe; wild; mad; frantic. |
VIR-gin (VUR-jin) - a maiden; pure; uncorrupted. |
VIR-tue - chastity; duty; purity. |
VIR-tues - moral excellence; rectitude; duty; honor. |
VIR-tu-ous - morally pure and good. |
VI-tal - affecting life; fatal to life; most important. |
vo-CA-tion (vo-CA-shun) - a stated or regular occupation; a calling; a certain career. |
VOID - an empty space; vacant; blank. |
VOL-un-TA-ri-ly - own free will or choice; spontaneously. |
vo-LUTE - a spiral like ornament; spiral or twist. |
VOUCH - to assert; affirm; bear witness. |
VOUCH-er - one who avouches for another; a witness; attest. |
VUL-tures (churs) - birds feeding mostly on carrion. |